Jan 17, 2023Liked by Pri Potts

Wow...has it really been nine years?! Vivid memories of Dan, and you and Dan, make that hard to believe. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt, warm and personal thoughts about this difficult journey, where silver linings were to be found...eventually. Like signs from heaven, (recall hawk in birdbath right before Seahawks kickoff, when they won the Super Bowl, and we were all talking about how we wished Dan and Brian Griffin were with us!), silver linings are there to behold....filled with strength and hope and peace. Sending you much love, Pritam🙏🏻❤️Bethamus

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Bethamus, thank you so much. I had forgotten about the hawk . . . that was an incredible sign! I appreciate you bringing it back into my present brain. So many good moments and memories, I'm glad we can share and re-share to keep them alive, and with them, the people we love. Hugs and love to you!

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